All Resources

Registry Status
National Address Model Stable
Natural Resource Management Controlled Vocabularies Submitted
Organisational Supermodel Stable
Biodiversity Data Repository dataset Submitted
TERN's RDF data Not Accepted
TERN's top-level PID for definitional resources Not Accepted
Registry Roles Vocabulary Stable
IRI Registry Ontology Stable
QESD Observed Properties vocabulary Stable
ISO19157 Data Quality Dimensions Stable
ISO25012 Data Quality Dimensions Stable
ISO639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages Stable
FSDF Network ontology Invalid
Queensland Environmental Science Data Profile of QUDT Quantity Kinds Stable
Queensland Environmental Science Data Profile of QUDT Units Stable
Organisations Register Stable
Top-Level Register Stable
AGIFT / CRS Thesaurus Linkset Stable
GNAF Current Addresses to ASGS 2016 Mesh Blocks Linkset Stable
ASGS 2011 Mesh Blocks to ASGS 2016 Mesh Blocks Linkset Stable
GNAF Current Addresses to Geofabric Contracted Catchments Linkset Stable
ASGS 2016 Mesh Blocks to Geofabric Contracted Catchments Linkset Stable
GNAF 2016 May Addresses to ASGS 2011 Mesh Blocks Linkset Stable
GNAF 2016 May Addresses to ASGS 2016 Mesh Blocks Linkset Stable
GNAF Current Addresses to ASGS 2011 Mesh Blocks Linkset Stable
Dataset Register Stable
Definitions Register Stable
ASGS Edition 3 Dataset Stable
env: units of measure Stable
env: quantity kinds Stable
env: observable properties Stable
env: Observable-Properties ontology Stable
env: substances and taxa Stable
env: environmental features Stable
env: Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary sources Stable
env: Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary licenses Stable
env: Bioregional Assessments Programme landscape classification Stable
env: Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary Stable
env: Def Register Stable
AusPIX dataset Stable
ANZSRC 2020 Socio-Economic Objectives Accepted
ANZSRC 2020 Fields of Research Stable
Queensland Government Sites Accepted
Queensland Government Agencies Accepted
Queensland Government File types Accepted
NSW Government Standard for Data Quality Reporting Stable
Dataset Relationships Accepted
Queensland Government Information Security Classifications Accepted
DataCite Resource Types Stable
Qld Data Licenses Stable
Positioning Invalid
Buildings and Settlements Invalid
Administrative Boundaries Invalid
Physical Infrastructure Invalid
Transport Invalid
Land Parcel and Property Invalid
Elevation and Depth Invalid
Geology Invalid
Land Cover and Land Use Invalid
Imagery Invalid
Water Invalid
Soil Invalid
Population Distributions Invalid
GA VocPub Profile Stable
Vocabulary Geoscience Profile of QUDT Units Stable
Geo-Commodities Stable
Minerals Stable
AusPlots Stable
AusPix DGGS ontology Stable
Plant Health Surveillance Stable
Australian States and Territories Stable
Australian Telephone Area Codes Stable
Project ontology Stable
Local Government Areas of Australia Submitted
CAPAD 2018 - Terrestrial Invalid
WWF Terrestrial Ecoregions of the World Submitted
Natural Resource Management Regions 2017 Submitted
Queensland Geological Features Dataset Stable
Place Names dataset Stable
Loc-I Geometry Data Service Invalid
TERN Vocabularies Stable
Temporal Reference Systems Stable
Queensland Resource Permit Status Accepted
GSQ Datasets Invalid
11179-6 Roles and Responsibilities Accepted
Seismic Dimensionality Accepted
DataCite contributorType roles Accepted
Geo Admin Features Ontology Stable
GeoSPARQL extensions Stable
ISO19115-1 codelists Retired
AGRIF Ontology Stable
CRS Ontology Stable
Geofabric Ontology Stable
CRS Thesaurus Stable
CORVEG Dataset Stable
Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia v. 7 (IBRA) Stable
TERN AusPlots Vocabulary Stable
Data types Stable
GSQ Dataset Theme Stable
GSQ Features Stable