
Title Registry Status
Bores Model Accepted
Stratigraphic Units Ontology Accepted
Ontology for the Australian National Soil Information System (ANSIS) Accepted
Australian Soil Classification Accepted
CSIRO Causal Networks Stable
National Species List Data Model Accepted
Geochemistry Data Model Accepted
VocPub Profile Accepted
Cadastral Survey Dataset Submissions Model Submitted
Cadastre Model Stable
Queensland Spatial Information Supermodel Stable
Roads Model Stable
Feature Labelling Model Stable
Australian Biodiversity Information Standard Accepted
National Address Model Stable
Organisational Supermodel Stable
TERN's top-level PID for definitional resources Not Accepted
IRI Registry Ontology Stable
FSDF Network ontology Invalid
env: Observable-Properties ontology Stable
Geology Invalid
Imagery Invalid
Water Invalid
Soil Invalid
Positioning Invalid
Population Distributions Invalid
Land Cover and Land Use Invalid
Elevation and Depth Invalid
Land Parcel and Property Invalid
Buildings and Settlements Invalid
Administrative Boundaries Invalid
Physical Infrastructure Invalid
Transport Invalid
GA VocPub Profile Stable
AusPix DGGS ontology Stable
Plant Health Surveillance Stable
Project ontology Stable
Geo Admin Features Ontology Stable
GeoSPARQL extensions Stable
CRS Ontology Stable
AGRIF Ontology Stable
Geofabric Ontology Stable
Data types Stable
Borehole Profile Stable
Plot Ontology Stable
Place Names Ontology Stable
Geological Survey of Queensland Ontology Invalid
ASGS Ontology Stable
Loc-I Ontology Stable
EUDM Profile of DCAT Invalid
ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology - NZ Profile Stable
ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology Stable
Dataset Ontology Stable
Foundational Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) Ontology and Vocabularies Stable
G-NAF Ontology Stable