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Registry Status
CORVEG vocabulary Stable
CORVEG observable property Superseded
CORVEG geology source Superseded
CORVEG geology type Superseded
CORVEG erosion severity Superseded
CORVEG geology reliability Superseded
CORVEG erosion type Superseded
CORVEG community area Superseded
CORVEG grazing severity Superseded
CORVEG isbell soil type Superseded
CORVEG landform element Superseded
CORVEG landform pattern Superseded
CORVEG landform type Superseded
CORVEG erosion pattern Superseded
CORVEG disturbance type Superseded
CORVEG disturbance proportion Superseded
CORVEG disturbance height Superseded
CORVEG disturbance age Superseded
CORVEG crown class Superseded
CORVEG cover method projection Superseded
CORVEG cover method Superseded
CORVEG observation groups Superseded
CORVEG community extent Superseded
CORVEG soil texture Superseded
CORVEG mapscale Superseded
CORVEG location derivation Superseded
CORVEG taxa identification Superseded
CORVEG structure basal factor Superseded
CORVEG structural formation Superseded
CORVEG structural formation classification system Superseded
CORVEG strata Superseded
CORVEG soil type Superseded
CORVEG soil source Superseded
CORVEG soil reliability Superseded
CORVEG soil colour Superseded
CORVEG site sample type Superseded
CORVEG Queensland bioregion Superseded
CORVEG rainforest leaf size Superseded
CORVEG rainforest deciduousness Superseded
CORVEG rainforest igf Superseded
CORVEG rainforest structure complexity Superseded
CORVEG site sample floristics Superseded
CORVEG site sample level Superseded
CORVEG slope type Superseded
Borehole Inclination Stable
Borehole Surface Circumstance Stable
Borehole Status Stable
Data Access Rights Stable
Geochemistry Sampling Method Stable
Geophysical Survey Invalid
GSQ Commodity Code Stable
Georesource Report Types Stable
Queensland Resource Permits Stable
Mining Sample Stable
Mining Survey Status Stable
Sampling Method Stable
Seismic Sampling Method Stable
Spatial Region Stable
GSQ Lithology Stable
Plot Ontology Stable
G-NAF Ontology Stable
Foundational Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) Ontology and Vocabularies Stable
Dataset Ontology Stable
ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology Stable
ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology - NZ Profile Stable
EUDM Profile of DCAT Invalid
Loc-I Ontology Stable
ASGS Ontology Stable
Registry Ontology's Status Vocabulary Stable
GNAF Current Dataset Stable
Geofabric Dataset Stable
Data Policies Dataset Accepted
ASGS 2016 Dataset Stable
GNAF 2016 May Dataset Stable
ASGS 2011 Dataset Stable
NEAR Catalogue Stable
Geological and Bioregional Assessments Stable
Geological Survey of Queensland Ontology Invalid
Place Names Ontology Stable