
Title Registry Status
GSWA rock classification scheme Submitted
Levels of Measurement Accepted
Climate Statistics Definitions for Daily Elements Submitted
National Groundwater Information System Submitted
Cloud Cover Observation Measurements Submitted
Australian Landscape Water Balance Submitted
Climate Glossary Submitted
Australian Network of Hydrologic Reference Stations glossary Submitted
Definitions for 9am and 3pm Climate Statistics Submitted
Drought Rainfall Definitions Submitted
NEII Data Availability Submitted
NEII Observation Method Submitted
NEII Licencing Submitted
NEII Observed Property Submitted
NEII Sampling Regime Submitted
NEII Site Status Submitted
NEII SRS Name Submitted
Rainfall definitions Submitted
ReefTemp Next Generation Glossary Submitted
Solar Radiation Definitions Submitted
Temperature Definitions Submitted
Tidal Terminology Submitted
Tsunami Glossary of Terms Submitted
Water Market Reports glossary Submitted
Water Regulations 2008 water information terms Submitted
Wave, sea and swell terms Submitted
Australian Groundwater Insight Submitted
Australian Water Assessment Landscape Model Submitted
Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Atlas Submitted
Australian Hydrological Geospatial Fabric (Geofabric) Submitted
Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary Submitted
ASLS Land Surface classifiers Accepted
Soil Vocabularies coordinated through Federation University Invalid
Soil Physical Measurements Accepted
ASLS Landform classifiers Accepted
ASLS Vegetation classifiers Accepted
ASLS Substrate classifiers Accepted
Soil Chemical Methods Accepted
ASLS Location classifiers Accepted
ASLS Soil Profile classifiers Accepted
Data Roles Accepted
Borehole drilling method Accepted
Metamorphic facies Stable
CRIRSCO mineral resource reporting Stable
Metamorphic stage Stable
JORC Code Stable
Borehole geometry Stable
Location method Stable
Geoscience units of measurement Stable
Tectonic unit type Stable
Metamorphic thermal regime style Stable
Metamorphic P-T trajectory Stable
Geological feature type Stable
Vertical/depth reference systems Stable
Australian physiographic units Stable
Physiographic unit types Stable
Borehole start point setting Stable
Western Australian mineral fields and districts Stable
GSWA collection facilities Stable
DMIRS offices Stable
Western Australian coordinate reference systems Stable
Borehole Configuration Stable
Lithological Type Stable
Countries Stable
Geoscience Commodity Product Forms Stable
Transaction status Stable
Qld export terminals Stable
Qualitative Confidence Stable
Industry classifications Stable
GSQ feature status Stable
Rock unit rank Stable
Transaction type Stable
Resource stockpile purpose Stable
Currency codes Stable
Geological properties Stable
Public Policy Taxonomy Stable
Australian Information Security Classifications Submitted
Natural Resource Management Controlled Vocabularies Submitted
Registry Roles Vocabulary Stable
QESD Observed Properties vocabulary Stable
ISO639-1: Codes for the Representation of Names of Languages Stable
ISO25012 Data Quality Dimensions Stable
ISO19157 Data Quality Dimensions Stable
Queensland Environmental Science Data Profile of QUDT Units Stable
Queensland Environmental Science Data Profile of QUDT Quantity Kinds Stable
env: units of measure Stable
env: environment.data.gov.au Def Register Stable
env: Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary Stable
env: Bioregional Assessments Programme landscape classification Stable
env: Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary licenses Stable
env: Bioregional Assessment Programme Glossary sources Stable
env: environmental features Stable
env: substances and taxa Stable
env: observable properties Stable
env: quantity kinds Stable
ANZSRC 2020 Fields of Research Stable
ANZSRC 2020 Socio-Economic Objectives Accepted
Queensland Government Sites Accepted
Queensland Government Agencies Accepted
Queensland Government File types Accepted