Australia-New Zealand Government Geoscience Information Committee (GGIC)
The inter-governmental committee in ANZ tasked with improving geoscience information.
The inter-governmental committee in ANZ tasked with improving geoscience information.
This vocabulary defines level of measurement that are classifications that describes the nature of information within the values assigned to variables.
The National Groundwater Information System (NGIS) is a spatial database for GIS specialists that contains a range of groundwater information submitted by States and Territories. The NGIS contains information on more than 870 000 bores and their attributes—such as purpose and date they were drilled. The database also includes logs of their lithology, construction and hydrostratigraphy as well as groundwater management areas and aquifer boundaries. 2.5D and 3D aquifer geometries are also available for some areas.
The Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems Atlas (GDE Atlas) was developed as a national dataset of Australian GDEs to inform groundwater planning and management. It is the first and only national inventory of GDEs in Australia. The GDE Atlas web-based mapping application allows you to visualise, analyse and download GDE information for an area of interest without needing specialised software.
The water balance in the Australian landscape is the product of a number of variables including soil moisture, runoff, evapotranspiration, deep drainage and precipitation. Water professionals, farmers and decision-makers in industry, government and the community can access data about all these variables through an interactive website from the Bureau of Meteorology. Nationally consistent modelled data is available on soil moisture, runoff, evapotranspiration, deep drainage and precipitation, each at a spatial resolution of 25 square kilometres.
The Australian Groundwater Insight is a user-friendly web mapping application designed for non-experts in government, policy development and the general public. The Insight shows hydrogeological information alongside information about licences, entitlements, bore density, groundwater management areas and salinity. The Insight also presents trends in groundwater levels over time and recent groundwater levels compared to the long-term average.
Vocabulary of definitions for Wave, sea and swell terms
Water Regulations 2008 water information terms
This glossary provides definitions of terms and acronyms used in the Bureau of Meteorology's water markets dashboard.
A tsunami is a series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths (typically hundreds of kilometres) caused by large-scale disturbances of the ocean, such as: earthquakes; landslide; volcanic eruptions; explosions; meteorites. These disturbances can either be from below (e.g. underwater earthquakes with large vertical displacements, submarine landslides) or from above (e.g. meteorite impacts).
Tsunami is a Japanese word with the English translation: "harbour wave".
This vocabulary contains words relating to a tsunami.