GSQ Datasets

Submitted by on Wed, 09/10/2019 - 13:33

The Geological Survey of Qld's Datasets Register. The catalogue of datasets is online at with individual Datasets having URIs like this:


GSQ will retain the /CLASS/ID part of the catalogue's URIs for use with this PID URI to make URIs like these for the items above:

Geo Admin Features Ontology

Submitted by on Tue, 08/10/2019 - 15:15

This ontology describes classes of geological and administrative Feature relevant to the duties of the Geological Survey of Queensland.

As subclasses of the GeoSPARQL Ontology's Feature class, this ontology defines Geological Feature and Administrative Feature. Multiple subclasses of those two main classes are also defined.

GeoSPARQL extensions

Submitted by simon.cox on Tue, 01/10/2019 - 18:11

An extensions ontology adding new properties, axioms and classes to [GeoSPARQL](

This ontology allows for the representation of additional elements of feature geometry, such as spatial-resolution, length, area and volume.