
Public Policy Taxonomy

Submitted by cjorquera on Thu, 23/02/2023 - 11:05

The Analysis & Policy Observatory’s (APO) Public Policy Taxonomy allows the classification of activity related to practice and research across the full breadth of public policy. Coverage includes science and technology, the built and natural environment, education, health, indigenous and social issues.

The Public Policy Taxonomy features:

Organisational Supermodel

Submitted by sandra.silcot on Tue, 12/04/2022 - 17:03

This IRI is for an ontology that defines a generic organisation wide semantic "super" data model.

This IRI will be used for the ontology elements and also as the basis for a number of supporting vocabularies, including the Supermodel "Terms" vocabulary, attached, which will use

IRI Registry Ontology

Submitted by admin on Tue, 06/07/2021 - 12:02

This ontology is a specialisation of the Registry Ontology (REG) used to manage Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs). "IRI" is a generalised and more modern name for URIs - Uniform Resource Identifiers.

The major specialisation in this ontology is the subclassing of reg:RegisterItem to irg:RegisteredIRI which just mandates the use of a few extra properties for IRI management.