Water Market Reports glossary
This glossary provides definitions of terms and acronyms used in the Bureau of Meteorology's water markets dashboard.
This glossary provides definitions of terms and acronyms used in the Bureau of Meteorology's water markets dashboard.
A tsunami is a series of ocean waves with very long wavelengths (typically hundreds of kilometres) caused by large-scale disturbances of the ocean, such as: earthquakes; landslide; volcanic eruptions; explosions; meteorites. These disturbances can either be from below (e.g. underwater earthquakes with large vertical displacements, submarine landslides) or from above (e.g. meteorite impacts).
Tsunami is a Japanese word with the English translation: "harbour wave".
This vocabulary contains words relating to a tsunami.
This glossary includes a variety of terms associated with tides and sea level and is based on material sourced from the Bureau of Meteorology (http://www.bom.gov.au) and Australian Hydrographic Office.
Definitions for temperature
Definitions of solar radiation terms
ReefTemp Next Generation Glossary
Definitions for rainfall
SRS name is the Spatial Reference System (EPSG code) used to locate the geographic entity.
Site status provides a description of whether an environmental monitoring site within the National Environmental Monitoring Sites Register is active, in-active, decommissioned etc.
Sampling regime is the frequency of site observations. The initial list of sampling regimes is based on a subset of NASA's Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Temporal Data Resolution keywords (http://gcmd.nasa.gov/learn/keyword_list.html).