
ASLS Location classifiers

Submitted by mr.wong on Tue, 19/03/2024 - 09:07

Classifiers described in chapter 3 Location, by L.J. Gregory, R.C. McDonald and R.F. Isbell in Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook (3rd edn)

The data was converted from the print representation to this linked-data form by Linda Gregory and Simon J D Cox

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Soil Physical Measurements

Submitted by mr.wong on Tue, 19/03/2024 - 09:04

This vocabulary is for Concept Schemes relating to soil phyical measurements. It is intended that more Concept Schemes can be added to this vocabulary, with a focus on applicability across Australasia. At the time of creation of this vocabulary it contained a representation of Soil Physical Measurements and Interpretation for Land Evaluation Neil McKenzie, Kep Coughlan and Hamish Cresswell, CSIRO Publishing 2022. 

Soil Chemical Methods

Submitted by mr.wong on Tue, 19/03/2024 - 09:02

This vocabulary contains of two Concept Schemes of soil chemical testing methods based on the publications   Australian Laboratory Handbook of Soil and Water Chemical Methods  (1992), Rayment, G.E and Higginson, F.R. and   Soil Chemical Methods Australasia  (2011), George E Rayment and David J Lyons. The vocabulary is designed to be expandable to contain other Concept Schemes of soil chemical methods.

The Briscoe-Smith Archive

Submitted by leonard.smith on Fri, 08/03/2024 - 16:06

A Semantic Web version of a physical archive on the demography and health of Indigenous Australians collected in a collaboration between Dr Gordon Briscoe and Dr Leonard Smith between 1970 and the present. The physical archive is curated by the Australian National University (ANU) Archives.

New South Wales Forest Monitoring and improvement Program (NSW-FMIP)

Submitted by javiersan18 on Tue, 28/11/2023 - 11:14

The New South Wales Forest Monitoring and improvement Program (NSW-FMIP) dataset contains data derived from LIDAR scans in 15 native forest plots within New South Wales in April 2021, during a pilot of potential field measurement methods for the state-wide forest plot network.  Data includes tree height, diameter, canopy cover, species composition, coarse woody debris, above-ground biomass and biodiversity Assessment Method structure.

Geochemistry Data Model

Submitted by admin on Thu, 02/11/2023 - 15:58

This data model is for the exchange of geochemistry data. It is intended for use initially by organisations supplying geochemistry results to the Geological Survey of Queensland and then perhaps later for geochemistry data exchange in Australia generally.